Captain D's Seafood Kitchen


Centre Partners buys Captain D’s again

The private-equity firm, which sold the seafood chain in 2017, has acquired the brand again. Management has also invested in the company.


Captain D’s promotes Bindi Menon to CMO

Menon has been with the fast-casual seafood chain since 2005, starting as a senior analyst.

Get Top 500 data: sales, units and YOY change, average unit volume, and company/franchise units, as well as Technomic’s analysis, growth forecast and more.

Consumers are enticed by LTOs and interesting menu items, but that’s not the whole story.

Chris Kuehn, a veteran chief marketing officer, will take over the CMO role at quick-service seafood chain Captain D’s, the company announced Tuesday.

Just-released Technomic data shows which chains have the greatest consumer satisfaction gap between dine-in and at-home occasions.

Consumers with young children reveal their favorite restaurants for their families.

The hand-breaded seafood chain has been rolling out a new look with a warm, coastal vibe

Consumers reveal which chain limited-time offers they are most likely to purchase based on name and description.

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