
Great expectations

I was browsing through the help wanted section of my local paper this morning.


Feeding Gen Z

Restaurants are creating new kids' menu ideas to win over today's young customers and their families.

As though the food business weren't hard enough, some restaurateurs are opting to be innkeepers, too.

Instead of stagnant pages, some restaurants are adopting a scrolling home page that hits the brand’s main talking points without forcing click-throughs.

Designing an effective recruiting ad is both an art and a science. A combination of careful and specific wording, a bold and creative design, and a bit of fun can ensure that you draw the best candidates to your organization.

Taco Bell is shooting for some buzz about its new “biscuit taco” breakfast sandwich with a new YouTube video that portrays McDonald’s as an evil authoritarian empire with no tolerance for variety in what its dispirited citizens can eat for their morning meal.

You didn't ask for it. You might not even want it. But you got it—big-time publicity.

Gradualism is helping the chain exit its discounting bind while delivering the sort of value that other chains are finding tough to concoct.

All five of these pros have become top restaurant managers. And here’s why.

Why's an operator cheering a possible upswing in food prices? And has Maine's governor hit on a new way of getting restaurant employees' lobbying help? Those are just some of the questions that were posed by surprising developments of the past week.

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