Fine Dining

Steal this idea: Weathering a weekend blizzard

A weekend that should have delivered turn-away traffic because of the Super Bowl and Restaurant Week brought instead a business whiteout for some restaurants in Chicago, the result of a blizzard.


Sustainable seafood: Treasures from trash

Some operators are looking to source lesser known but abundant seafood that often turns up in the by-catch. These “trash” fish may have names that could sound off-putting to consumers, such as lionfish, sheepshead or grunt, but innovative chefs are proving that their flavor and texture stand up to their upscale cousins—at a gentler price. And diners are biting.

For a guy who made his mark in fine dining, Danny Meyer shows a lot of fire for the restaurant niche he calls fine casual. Others might know it as fast casual, albeit at the higher end.

When it comes to wine lists, bigger is not always better.

No vote will be taken, now or in the future. Meanwhile, 141 labor groups have reportedly filed for an expedited union vote.

Delays that pile up over a service period not only diminish the guest experience, they can result in lost profits. Savvy operators are taking steps to pick up the pace.

The City Council has lifted a ban that kept diners from bringing their own bottles of booze.

Dynamics shaping the between-meals and late-hours dayparts are creating an opportunity for restaurants of all types, but not all operators are exploiting it, a new study finds. Here are some tips on boosting that incremental business.

Operators and their customers who love meat are starting to fork over more money to put protein on the plate. The problem starts with the feed. Cattle are traditionally finished on grain, but farmers looking for larger profits are now growing corn for ethanol instead of animal feed. Cow/calf producers are currently bearing the brunt of higher feed prices.

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