Fine Dining

Restaurants’ new legal obligations

Here’s a sampling of the restaurant-relevant laws and regulations that went into effect with the New Year.

Making money off the books

The San Francisco Chronicle reported an 8 percent increase in cookbook sales in 2011, and the trend has continued.

Can the owner of an establishment to pass on their credit card charges to their customers?

The British restaurant scene is booming, according to Peter Backman, an annual visitor to the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. Backman sat down with Senior Editor Pat Cobe to share some other insights into what's trending in the U.K. Did someone say "fast casual"?

Following the money could have triggered a whiplash epidemic this week. Darden didn’t make enough of it, fueling speculation of management changes, while disgruntled restaurant buyers said they want a professional snoop to determine exactly where theirs went. A hefty round of fines underscores who was really behind last month’s fast-food wage protests, and employees in Michigan are learning what it’s like to have skin in the game.

We asked the industry’s “upperclassmen” to share the skills that have served them well in this business. Hospitality schools, are you listening?

If guests park themselves for a show but don’t buy anything to eat or drink, what’s an operator to do? Advice Guy has some ideas. 

Fine dining has evolved, adapting a more humble and more accessible attitude to appeal to more wallet-conscious customers.

Buffalo Wild Wings is widely regarded in the business community as a leader. So where is that leader taking its consumer-facing technology?

Latin and Asian cocktails are expanding into new territory.

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