Restaurant Business Daily

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Here's what menu items McD's franchisees would cut

Asked what they would eliminate as part of the burger giant's efforts to simplify its menu, franchisees say they'd put McCafe and Happy Meals on the chopping block.

Paid sick leave bills spread like the flu

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced he would make good on a campaign promise to expand the city’s paid sick leave law as soon as April 1.

And it even revealed a key detail.

The app—which currently lacks ordering and payment capabilities—is slated to be available nationwide by October.

The most celebrated success with a no-tipping model says the transition wasn't as easy as it expected.

A first-of-its-kind legislative proposal would exempt the state sales taxes from swipe fees, easing the burden on restaurants and retailers.

Converted repair shops give way to unique design.

Establishments are mounting a campaign to protect their tourism business.

Two-thirds of consumers say they’re eating a broader variety of ethnic cuisines than they were five years ago, according to research from the National Restaurant Association.

A stab at mustering employees support has become a distinguishing feature of the chain's culture.

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