Restaurant Business Daily

A true business intelligence tool helping operators become more efficient and profitable, Restaurant Business Daily eNewsletter gives restaurateurs tips and tools from's most recent postings and from around the web.

Chipotle ‘fights’ against additives with ‘Taste Invaders’

The chain’s latest online game puts participants in character as battle-focused burritos.


Mario Batali steps down amid sexual harassment allegations

The celebrity chef acknowledges that he has acted inappropriately.

According to a recent Technomic study, women are 30 percent more likely to spend more on adult beverages on-premise than last year. We asked four women who are new and established leaders in the industry to talk about what else is changing for women, both in front of and behind the bar.

A survey of recent promotions finds the restaurant business lapsing into its discounting habit again, despite indications that consumers want something other than a deal.

The increases will come this fall.

The QSR chain opens its first full-scale location in the New York metro area Saturday.

The deal gives the seafood QSR chain its third private-equity owner in four years.

January and February may have been the winter of restaurant’s discontent, but the challenge of luring customers fostered some traffic-building ideas that could boost business at any time of year.

How do I get started teaching Caribbean cooking classes, how large should my class size be and how much should I charge?

John Maguire will serve as president and CEO of both brands.

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