Restaurant Business Daily

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Cooking tests for executive chefs

Are there any formats you recommend for executive chef cooking tests?

Buffalo Wild Wings fights for UFC fans

Bars and restaurants have become popular gathering spots during UFC fights, but a new high-volume deal from BWW spins this phenomenon on its head.

While comp sales and revenues rose, “disappointing” margins tempered the company’s outlook for the year.

Stores in one of the industry’s largest (and some say most competitive) markets will feature new indulgences.

The penny-an-ounce charge will extend to any sweetened nonalcoholic beverage, including diet sodas.

People in big cities have been all abuzz over the hidden cash craze sweeping social media, that all started when a mysterious person (@HiddenCash) began stashing money around San Francisco.

Food ordered via Chick-fil-A One won’t be prepared until a customer checks in at their local restaurant.

60 people who ate at the upscale restaurant were sickened before authorities ordered it closed. The item contaminated with the salmonella pathogen has yet to be revealed.

The funds will be used to buy new kitchen equipment and speed up unit rehabs.

Although economists are still assessing the implications of the proposal, certain provisions are clear wins for restaurants.

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