
New restaurant equipment and back-of-the-house technology

This week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Radical moves?

Bad times bring bold moves, as restaurants demonstrated this week with previews of just how far they're willing to go for a business advantage.


Storage gear: Time for a change?

Shelving and food storage equipment is usually taken for granted—it’s just there when you need it. But manufacturers now design many of these products to not only be efficient but to assist with food safety concerns, too. So now may be a good time to take a look at these back-of-house stalwarts to see if they could use some updating.

Every year, equipment manufacturers introduce new products designed to help operators work more efficiently and profitably. This year was no exception.

When asked by Fast Company magazine to name a must-have kitchen gadget not yet invented, Suzanne Goin, chef-owner of Los Angeles’ Lucques and A.O.C. restaurants, chose a tool that would automatically load the dishwasher.

Effective communication usually defuses conflict. But not necessarily in the current-day restaurant business.

Tough times can push restaurateurs to extremes in their pursuit of sales. Here are some examples of that unconventional behavior.

A provision of the measures currently before Congress has the unintended effect of denying some midsize companies one of the intended breaks.

Getting an emerging concept into a grocery store can be a smart—and relatively low-cost—way to build brand recognition and, potentially, add a retail channel. But challenges can abound.

The fast-casual brand is said to be launching a consulting service for other restaurants.

Foam can be a sign that it's time to replace your oil, Advice Guy says.

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