Read 'em and eat

Food is much more than a way to put fuel in the tank. It’s the source of fables, the foundation of family traditions, the core of our foodservice businesses and a pastime for foodies and gourmonds. It’s even a great pesticide and industrial strength cleaner! 

Here’s your chance to test your food knowledge, and pick up a few morsels of trivia to wow and amaze your friends.

1. Have problems with pesty flies outside your restaurant? Which of the following herbs can you plant that acts as a natural repellent?

a) Rosemary
b) Oregano
c) Basil
d) Chives

2. Looking to please the healthnuts? Which of the following is the only nut to contain Vitamin C?

a) Brazil Nut
b) Cashew
c) Hazelnut
d) Pine Nut

3. Which vegetable did Hillary Clinton return to the White House menu after it was removed by President Bush?

a) Lima Beans
b) Spinach
c) Cauliflower
d) Broccoli

4. How many pounds of tea leaves can an experienced picker pluck in a day?

a) 10
b) 25
c) 40
d) 65

5. Which of the following removes tar from vinyl surfaces?

a) Orange juice
b) Meat tenderizer
c) Wine
d) Mayonnaise

6. Which of the following can you rub in your dog or cat¹s fur to repel fleas the organic way?

a) Brewer¹s Yeast
b) Baking soda
c) Dry mustard
d) Corn Starch

7. Dingy toilet bowl rings disappear using which of the following?

a) Hot sauce
b) Vinegar
c) Cola
d) Lemon juice

8. What is the shelf life of a Butterfinger candy bar?

a) 3 months
b) 7 months
c) 12 months
d) 15 months

9. Did you know that 47% of our nation¹s water supply is used for food production? Match each food item below with the amount of water needed to produce it:

1 pat of butter
1 gallon of alcohol
1 baked potato
1 gallon of milk
1 pound of flour
a) 5 gallons
b) 100 gallons
c) 325 gallons
d) 5 gallons
e) 375 gallons

10. Which of the following greens will cure bad breath?

a) Kale
b) Endive
c) Arugula
d) Parsley

Click here for the answers

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