First Watch

Customers can now order Domino’s via Apple Watch

The Domino’s AnyWare suite has added its ninth platform.

Avoiding the pain and injury of restaurant work

Acute injuries (resulting from a specific accident or event) in this industry have been on the decline, according to the National Restaurant Association. That’s good news, but what’s tougher to measure are the injuries that creep up gradually and tend to get ignored.

For a political sideliner, Phil Kafarakis is playing a heavy role in the industry’s lobbying efforts.

To lighten the chilaquiles recipe for First Watch’s more mainstream, health-minded customers, the fat was cut and fresher in-house ingredients were added.

Need some quick cash for the business? After years of taking a back seat to home equity loans, plastic may be set for a comeback.

Here is a brief look back to see how our 2016 food trend forecast played out.

This article will discuss various negotiating strategies and techniques, which, if followed, should make a negotiator successful in acquisitions. The article...

After more than a year of family squabbles, lawsuits and construction, Brennan’s, the legendary New Orleans restaurant, reopened for business in November.

Consumers reveal which chain limited-time offers they were most likely to order based on the name and description.

QUID PRO QUO. Some consultants are paid by vendors, secretly, for "services" that amount to calling the vendor call and asking the time of day. In exchange,...

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