
The latest news and trends in restaurant technology

Pintrest explained

Food is a very visual experience, from admiring a frothy pink cocktail to ogling a perfectly rolled piece of sushi. That’s why restaurants are dipping their toes into the Pinterest waters. Hot social media properties have come and gone, but few have made any headway against the 800-pound gorillas of Facebook and Twitter.


Are mobile payments safer?

It’s easy to get blinded by the newness of mobile payment technology, but the security issues aren’t that much different from older methods of taking payments.

Restaurateurs who dislike being reviewed by rank amateurs may be heartened by the release of an app by a website that calls itself the “anti-Yelp.”

Lucille’s BBQ, Hof’s Hut and the Runza sandwich chain are among the CrunchTime! customers that have adopted the management software company’s new suite of online learning programs.

Convenience may be the primary attraction to delivery, yet research shows that getting a bargain is right up there, too. But what constitutes value? We found out by putting delivery services to a test.

A look at the innovations that have changed operations for the restaurant industry—and will continue to make waves in the future.

The store will also use $15 an hour as its base wage, and feature a kitchen designed to maximize throughput.

The automated assembly system does everything from spreading the dough to adding the pepperoni.

Third-party delivery may be getting all the buzz, but a growing number of operations are showing renewed interest in a more familiar means of capturing off-premise sales.

One reason why some restaurants have been hesitant to switch to cloud computing is the need for an always-on Internet connection. What happens if the Internet goes down?

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