Fine Dining


New law ends Michigan’s tip credit—to restaurants’ delight

The restaurant industry believes it has a better chance of keeping the wage break alive if it’s fighting a law instead of a ballot proposal.


Restaurants revamp the menu to suit delivery

Have food, will travel? Operators are updating offerings and sourcing new packaging as off-premise continues to grow.

Openness won’t necessarily boost traffic, but being opaque can tarnish a brand.

The chef, who earned more Michelin stars than any other, operated restaurants on several continents.

A majority of the city’s ruling council have co-sponsored a bill that would reverse last month’s ballot measure.

Operators are creating signature breads and selling them as appetizers.

Eleven Madison Park, which took top honors last year, fell to No. 4 on this year’s ranking.

The portion of servers’ wages paid by restaurant employers will rise to $15 an hour.

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