Taco Bell

Last call for the neighborhood bar?

A new study finds local establishments disappearing at a rate of more than 600 per month.

How FRG stacks up

Flynn Restaurant Group’s annual revenues outpace all other influential franchisees. Here’s a comparison.

Developments that seemed improbable a short while ago were reclassified this week as distinct possibilities. And that includes the chance of seeing more In-N-Outs in cosmopolitan centers.

The QSR that “thinks outside the bun” rolled out several new prototypes

Or at least not too much. The industry needs a sometimes-annoying contrarian to keep it fresh and innovative. Let it remain the anti-fast-food brand.

Frank Scibelli has parlayed his Springfield, Massachusetts, Italian upbringing into a mini-empire in the temperamental Charlotte, North Carolina, market by listening to his gut and his customers.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (November 27, 2012)—United Fresh welcomes nominations to United Fresh Foundation’s 2013 Produce Excellence in Foodservice Awards...

Steal the directions from up-and-comers’ road maps.

The research says that about half of Americans make resolutions—and by now, a quarter of us already have abandoned them. But I’m holding out hope for this list of to-dos to help me make a better restaurant-goer in the coming year. And I’m sharing them here not only to keep me honest, but also in hope that other consumers will join me.

The most common vegetable paired with ribeye is onion.

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