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Here’s how operators can start to fix the issue, which has long plagued the restaurant industry.

Owners on the Carolina coast and beyond are implementing emergency plans for before, during and after what’s predicted to be a massive storm.

Several companies have gone private this year. RB’s The Bottom Line takes a look at who could go next.

The quick-service chain is also cutting underperforming items from its menu.

A cattle rustling by one of Chick-fil-A's competitors was just one instance of operators pushing the traditional boundaries of the restaurant business this week.

What icy beverage flavors and styles will be cooling off customers this summer?

The move follows the quick-service chain’s Q1 sales decline.

The large private-equity firm that has $42 bllion in assets has made 335 investments in companies worldwide since 1989.

This year hasn't been a safe one so far for chief executives in the restaurant industry. Here's a look at the many companies that have made changes in the corner office.

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