Consumer Trends

Consumer trends, insights and preferences

Consumer Trends

Fast food has lost its reputation as a cheap meal

Years of price hikes are driving consumers to grocery stores and even full-service restaurants, which are now viewed by some as a better deal.

Consumer Trends

People taking weight loss drugs are spending less on groceries

Retail Watch: A new study on shopping behaviors among those on GLP-1 medications raises some potential worries for restaurants.

Explore the latest insights into consumer spending and value decisions amidst ongoing inflation. Learn how rising food-away-from-home (FAFH) costs impact behaviors and discover strategies for targeting key demographics and addressing operator challenges in our current economic environment.

The latest consumer trend data released by Yelp reveals an uptick in these restaurant searches and several others since last year.

Over the past several years, the concept of the “food bowl” has become increasingly popular—for a number of reasons. First, they’re versatile, allowing operators to combine an array of ingredients for...

Cannabis users are far more likely to order delivery and fast food than those who don’t indulge, survey results from Numerator show.

The nutrition police and plant-based advocates have pushed people away from eating beef. But times they are a changing.

The state has the lowest penetration of pizza places and the highest prices. And the state with the highest-rated local pizzas? Try New Hampshire.

In the latest restaurant, culinary and consumer reports, some surprises await in the year ahead, sprinkled in with the more expected trends and predictions.

Using Yelp data, OnDeck tracked consumers’ favorite indies in every state, ranging from breakfast spots to pizza places and burger joints.

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