Consumer Trends

Consumer trends, insights and preferences

Consumer Trends

Restaurant sales expected to top $1T for the first time in 2024

But the National Restaurant Association projects in its annual State of the Industry Report, margins will be squeezed by high inflation.

Consumer Trends

Why Reddit couldn't stop talking about Taco Bell last year

The chain made headlines with a slew of new menu items, but it was something else that drove discussion online.

Check averages go up on and around Feb. 14, but while guests may open their wallets for a pricey dinner, tips take a dip.

Restaurant customers in Latin America are the biggest purchasers of combo meals, according to Technomic.

McDonald’s and Chipotle have seen a shift in business from earlier in the day toward dinner, according to data from And that shift seems permanent.

Crystal balls tend to be hazy. Here are some what-ifs that may be difficult to tune in.

Consumers purchased breakfast at restaurants more frequently over the past year and the biggest spenders were men.

The platform’s annual report tracks more than sales. It provides a snapshot of the eating and drinking trends driving diners’ decisions.

Projections call for heavy purchases of both on-premise and to-go meals, while consumers are already spending more on gift cards.

As menu prices rise at fast-food restaurants, customers are looking to convenience stores for meal deals.

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