
Mrs. Dash Foodservice

Mrs. Dash Foodservice

Kent Precision Foods Group, which markets Mrs. Dash to the foodservice industry, specializes in developing, blending and packaging dry mix food products to our customers’ exacting specifications.

In addition to our dry blending capabilities, KPFG offers a diverse line of branded products for the foodservice and consumer channels.

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Consumer Trends

Healthy for all generations

The definition of what’s healthy continues to evolve, which presents a conundrum for operators as they seek to develop—and effectively execute—a health and wellness strategy in their businesses.

Consumer Trends

Menus go micro

In order to succeed with smaller menus and flexible portion sizes, operators need to put a lot of thought into deliberately menuing dishes that make sense for their competitive positioning.

Check out a few ways some operators are updating menu favorites to include these Gen Z and millennial dining preferences.

Restaurants can't afford to ignore this group of consumers.

When it comes to flavoring foods, chefs and home cooks alike rely on a few staples: acids, salts, fats and of course, spices and herbs.

The protein-and-sides equation that once defined a typical restaurant meal is giving way to a new formula.

Here are few ideas for how to keep spicy interesting.

From where they eat to the social media platforms they prefer to their cooking and eating habits in general, millennials are shaping foodservice today.

Check out how African, Indian, Middle Eastern and Filipino cuisines are trending and how operators are working to incorporate these new flavors in their dishes.

After chasing millennials for the last several years, many operators are turning focus back to baby boomers.