5. Staff training’s modern turn
While authenticity on the menu is a hot topic, some operations are finding success by making HR materials more authentic as well. Millennials, in particular, gravitate toward an organic, less polished vibe, even when it comes to training videos, said Lexi Burns, VP of talent management for Twin Peaks, during a session on the death of the training binder. As such, concepts replacing traditional training manuals with videos shouldn’t overcomplicate the process, she said. Her co-panelists agreed. On ArbyTube, Arby’s internal platform inspired by YouTube, videos tend to be under two minutes and are often user-generated, said Damian Hanft, senior director of learning for the chain. And Jim Quinlan, operations training manager for Westgate Resorts, gave a nod to the “amazing” quality that can be achieved with nothing but a smartphone.