Brussels Sprouts Salad

Menu PartSalad
Cuisine TypeAmerican

Long considered the bane of kids' culinary existenceBrussels sprouts are now having a moment. This salad features walnuts, onion, brown mustard, tarragon and mozzarella cheese paired with the sprouts for a salad full of crunchy goodness.


6 lb. fresh Brussels sprouts
6 cups walnuts toasted, chopped
1 lb. onion, chopped
3⁄4 cup sugar
2 qt. mayonnaise
7 tbsp. brown mustard
8 cups part-skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 cup cider vinegar
1 tsp. fresh tarragon, chopped
3 lb. bacon, crisped, chopped (optional)
1 large bunch fresh tarragon for garnish 


1. Blanch Brussels sprouts for about 5 minutes; trim sprouts and cut into  bite-size pieces.

2. Mix walnuts, onions, sugar, mayonnaise, brown mustard, mozzarella cheese, vinegar and chopped tarragon, and combine with sprouts. Plate and serve topped with chopped bacon and additional fresh tarragon leaves.
Note: The dressing tastes best when made a day in advance. Recipe works well with broccoli or cauliflower. 

Recipe by Maine Central Institute, Pittsfield, Maine (Flik Independent School Dining)

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