
The crackdown on fake reviews could put restaurants in the crosshairs

The FTC has proposed civil penalties and online platforms are exposing perceived violators. Yet restaurants remain vulnerable. Can consumers learn to trust reviews again?

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In Starbucks, an example of technology gone too far

The Bottom Line: As chains add more and more technology to get customers through the door, they may want to look at the issues at the coffee shop giant.


What on earth is a whole business securitization and why is it so popular?

The form of financing, which allows companies to borrow money at lower interest rates, has caught a lot of attention lately thanks to Subway and TGI Fridays. Here’s an explanation of what it is.


Want your franchisees to get on board with discounts? Give them a break on remodels

The Bottom Line: Franchisors want their operators to cut prices and run deals. They’d get further along if they delayed remodel requirements or other costs.