Peter Romeo

Editor at Large

Articles by
Peter Romeo

Page 363

5 predictions for restaurant chains in 2015

Restaurant Business is wrapping up 2014 with predictions from its editors for 2015. In this installment, Peter Romeo looks at developments that may lie ahead for chains.

A letter to Santa's elves

I have requests for the restaurant industry, which just slogged through one of its chilliest years. We’re not talking weather here.

We offered our choice of the year’s best restaurant leaders last week. Here are the ones you would have put on the list.

After building for months, new realities emerged for restaurants overseas—and at their keyboards.

A new study finds customers rating the brands as the ones most attuned to what they want.

Leadership was a particularly strong factor in distinguishing winners from losers in the restaurant business this year.

Online revelations abounded this week about Starbucks and other restaurant operators, providing an education to eavesdroppers.

San Francisco has already passed a law to change restaurants’ labor-scheduling policies. Meanwhile, a California lawmaker wants wages doubled on certain days.

Restaurateurs taught consumers more than a few lessons this week, but hold off on the gloating. Enlightening parties who need a moment to recall the occupant of Grant’s tomb isn’t exactly a demonstration of genius. Still, there were occasions when industry savants took to the blackboard in what proved a head-turning education fest.

The customer isn't always right. Sometimes the consumer isn’t even sane, as events of the past week attest.

In the ever-pressing quest for more traffic, some operators broke new ground.

The former head of Le Duff and Corner Bakery is taking the reins of a small growth chain.

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