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Casual dining's dominant brand is resurrecting proven strategies from the past in a bid to reclaim its personality and appeal.

The franchisor also plans to announce an acquisition within roughly the next year.

Shifting consumer demands have hammered the likes of Applebee's and Chili's, and their recovery is uncertain, says RB's The Bottom Line.

The former McDonald's executive will take the marketing helm at the casual-dining chain.

But only on a limited scale—for right now.

The chain’s Topped Steaks & Twisted Potatoes combo meals start at $12.99.

Chili's and Applebee's are two of the chains betting on the generation they were set to ignore.

Franchisor DineEquity has more than doubled the projection, while also warning of a step-up in closures of IHOP units as well.

DineEquity, which also franchises IHOP, has reached outside the restaurant industry for Julia Stewart's successor.

The struggling casual-dining chain is focusing on better food and value in its turnaround efforts

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