
Who’s got Halal?

Menus geared to Muslims with several million Muslims living in the United States, more restaurants are adhering to the Halal (permissible) food requirements dictated by Muslim law.

The benefits of eating from the rainbow

Colorful food is real food that has to be washed, scrubbed, and peeled. Its color adds to its flavor, contrast and nutritional value. In addition, it looks good on the plate and lends itself to imaginative presentations that will stimulate the appetite—and not the waistline.

Snacks have become a customer-driven demand in foodservice.

How much effort and money are you putting into marketing? Are you doing enough to keep your existing customers? Show them you care using this trade secret. It's an inexpensive way to keep them coming back.

American mothers, all 82.5 million of them, are—surprise!—quite often swayed by the whims and desires of their children.

Health headlines can change as frequently as a seasonal menu. Nevertheless, Americans eat them up. To stay in touch with the latest research (and perhaps be a step ahead of your customers), here’s what’s happening withsome of the ingredients you purchase for your menu.

Peru is a land of contrast, a country that defines the meaning of biodiversity—from coastal deserts that receive almost no rainfall, to the rugged...

This week: fighting the flu, naming your restaurant after a skinny doll, putting Rush on a diet and bouncing back from your closed restaurant.

How many cooks and cashiers in a franchisee's system have gotten Christmas presents from the big corporate boss?

A family enters a Friendly's on Long Island, NY, and the father informs the server of a diet his doctor's got him on—one that requires him to seriously curtail the number of calories he takes in each day.

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