food costs

NRA Expert: Despite Monthly Gloom, Distributors’ Optimism is Justified

“The health of the industry overall remains positive,” Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of Research and Information Services for the National...

Calorie Limits For School Lunches Are Recommended

WASHINGTON (Nov. 5, 2009)—Children would get fewer French fries and more dark green vegetables in school cafeterias under recommendations being issued...

After trimming the obvious fat, restaurant chains are now having to cut closer to the bone as they look for ways to combat rising food costs and preserve healthy margins while avoiding significant price hikes.

At the height of the recession, restaurateurs resorted to head-turning deals to drive traffic. Now that the economy is more or less in recovery, are consumers still seeking deep discounts, or are they more interested in a unique experience, an innovative menu or some other differentiating factor?

With few exceptions, the largest fast-food burger chains are turning their promotional spotlights this fall on choices featuring pork or chicken.

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