
Next Generation Japanese

As sushi continues its conquest of the mainstream, it’s becoming more and more clear that raw fish was only the first wave of a Japanese culinary invasion. Over the past two to three years, one Japanese concept after another has hit our shores with only a passing glance toward sushi—if there’s any recognition at all. They are authentic, specialized and high concept.

Cold weather drinks heat up

Coffee and tea are served year-round, but come winter, operators start filling mugs with more inventive hot beverages. And cocoa is gaining steam.

In celebration of everything Irish, St. Patrick's Day gives diners the opportunity to experience Gaelic fare at its best. Here are some of the dishes that will make revelers green with envy.

Capping off a night out with his wife last winter, Mark Snyder ducked into a local bakery craving a little something sweet.

Greg Atkinson was buying and promoting local foods long before it became the routine thing to do for top chefs. The former chef of Seattle’s Canlis then took time off from cooking in restaurants to teach culinary arts and write about food. Now Atkinson is back at the stove in his newly opened Marché on Bainbridge Island in Winslow, Wash., where he’s again preparing the most indigenous ingredients he can get his hands on.

Chefs in foodservice operations of all stripes are bringing distinct culinary experiences to their catering customers, offering everything from farm-to-fork menus to boxed lunches to deluxe sit-downs.

Patrons at Mexican restaurants in the U.S. usually don’t expect the seasons to drive the menu. But at Orale Mexican Kitchen in Jersey City, N.J., sourcing local, seasonal produce is a priority of consulting chef James Muir—and his menu reflects it.

The potato has been bashed more often than mashed these last couple of years, as carbohydrate-phobic Americans pushed spuds off their plates and consumption took a nosedive.

What’s your distributor done for you lately? If nothing comes to mind besides dropping off cases at the back door, maybe it’s time to start asking some questions.

As interest in beer continues to grow, brews are taking their legitimate place at the table alongside wine as an equally fine complement to food.Many...

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