Consumer Trends

The new beer drinker (infographic)

Beer is still the favorite category of alcohol amongst consumers, but the demographics of beer drinkers are beginning to shift. There are two subsets of imbibers whose taste for beer is on the rise, according to Consumer Edge Insight’s latest Alcoholic Beverage DemandTracker.

Women: The percentage of women listing beer as their favorite alcohol category in 2013 reached 26 percent, up from 24 percent in 2012. Many of those polled attribute the rise in popularity to the availability of new beer brands and flavors. Thanks to the craft brew revolution and new beer varieties in circulation from the big beer producers, operators have had the opportunity to expand their beer menu beyond the basic ales and lagers to include beers that are flavored with a variety of fruits, hops, spice and more. 

Ages 55+: This demographic saw a large jump in preferred beer drinkers, up to 38 percent listing beer as their favorite in 2013 from 31 percent the year prior.

Consumer Edge Insight President David Decker sees this as a hopeful statistic, as the beer industry has struggled to reach these consumers, along with women, in the past.

It bears mention that those listing beer as their favorite alcohol declined slightly amongst some of the younger age group in 2013. The statistic dipped 6 percent for imbibers aged 21 to 27 as well as those aged 35 to 54. The most common reason given for this by the younger demographic was that they are getting tired of the taste of beer.

While operators need to continue to entice the target beer-drinking markets—men and consumers aged 21 to 27—they need to note that definition of the typical beer drinker is evolving.  

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