Peter Romeo

Editor at Large

Articles by
Peter Romeo

Page 32

Restaurant and bar employment unexpectedly slips in June

New government data show a decline in the employee head counts of eating and drinking places. Hotels, in contrast, accelerated their hiring.


Restaurants dodge another pork squeeze—for now

A federal court is expected to delay enforcement of a Massachusetts law that, together with a new California regulation, would have put an extreme crimp in the supplies of ribs, bacon and other pork supplies.

Restaurants are expected to be the catalysts for Americans mixing more sea vegetables and bivalves into their diets.

The front- and back-of-house employees are part of what their union representatives say is the area's largest walkout in decades, with 15,000 workers involved.

The state's restaurant association is encouraging restaurants to help their state's industry by continuing to buy meals amid hellish temperatures.

A new survey found that 63% were hit with an increase in 2023, leaving 45% unable to cover their June fee.

About 31,000 requests for aid were rejected for being invalid or outright fraudulent, according to the SBA. Now it's investigating 720 RRF grants that may be bogus.

A new American Consumer Satisfaction Index survey shows the public perceives the sector as offering better quality for the money.

Restaurant Rewind: His touch is evident throughout the business, from putting a sparkler in a guest's birthday cake to proving themed restaurants would appeal even to an upscale clientele.

Working Lunch: The industry is tacking on service fees cavalierly. Is that attitude about to backfire in the form of regulation?

A court has ruled that establishments can continue buying pork raised under prior standards, avoiding what some feared would be a severe shortage and a spike in prices.

Reality Check: The retiring Darden Restaurants chairman blazed a career that should shush assertions the restaurant industry will take you nowhere.

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