
Search Results

The top and fastest-growing chains don’t always align with average total menu items in their sectors.

Seasonal promotions for fish and shellfish dishes are accelerating at chains.

A quick look at daypart data uncovers the most popular drive times and the chains that are getting the traffic.

Women and millennials with children are particularly receptive to takeout, and touting bundled meals as an easy family dinner solution can help appeal to those groups.

The chain’s new unit design will feature exhibition baking via its so-called Biscuit Theater.

Chiropractors should be exchanging high-fives after reaping a business windfall this week from head-snapping developments in the restaurant business. Here’s a review of the standout neck strainers.

Nine out of the top 10 chains in the 2016 Top 500 ranking are quick service. Thanks to these giants, the segment makes up almost 62% of the Top 500 total sales.

The chicken chains from the 2016 Top 500 ranking have been boosted by sandwich, wing and chicken finger specialists.

We reached out to a few Top 500 list climbers and found that many of their success stories started with data-driven risks and a thorough grasp of their key consumers.

Comps at the chicken chain also grew.

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