
Low carb eating: Here to stay?

Is low-carb eating really here to stay? Plenty of restaurants seem to think so.

Restaurants Need to Improve Produce Options for Children

CORAL BEACH, FL (March 28, 2013 - The Packer)—More restaurant chains offer fruits and vegetables with children’s meals than they did in 2008, but the...

NEW YORK - The acquisition this week of hors d'oeuvres manufacturer Appetizers And, Inc., by the H.J. Heinz Co. is expected to enhance operations for its...

Industry leaders gathered at a first-of-its-kind conference this week to draft a plan for turning healthful, sustainable food into more of a sales and profit generator for the foodservice industry.

With so many new features out there, it's a good idea to understand what you need before you buy. Here's a guide to walk you through the process.

Grab-n-go meal offerings are now key elements of many successful food service venues, on both the commercial and noncommercial sides.

Despite America’s obsession with dieting, fat and calories, restaurant customers haven’t stopped ordering dessert.

Too-spicy flavor may be blamed for Mighty Wings' lackluster sales at McDonald's, but new research finds that consumers actually don't mind a little extra heat. In fact, in some cases, it may bring them in the door.

Say hello to your next customer base. There are approximately 17.5 million students enrolled in some sort of higher learning institution, according to 2005 census data. And by the time they graduate they will have been spoiled rotten.

"Innovative" and "amazing" describe Zagat’s top-rated spots in 20 cities.

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