FDI, Tax Reform Coalition set aside priorities to back Bush crisis plans

Food Distributors International (FDI), Falls Church, VA, and other members of the Tax Reform Coalition have announced that they will set aside individual legislative lobbying efforts to rally around President Bush and support his agenda to deal with our national crisis.

"We intend to support President Bush in this time of need," says John R. Block, FDI president and ceo. "We urge all FDI members, indeed all Americans, to do the same."

FDI is a charter member of the Coalition, which also includes the National Association of Wholesale-Distributors, the Food Marketing Institute, and the National Federation of Independent Businesses. The Coalition's objective is to complete the job of tax reform, including making permanent the estate tax cuts recently passed by Congress and supporting other measures to improve the nation's economy.

"Tax Relief Coalition members came together originally to promote a major tax relief bill, but it is evolving into a powerful and effective coalition for building consensus on a variety of important economic issues," notes David French, FDI vice president for government relations.

"Regardless of individual association or industry priorities, we will work to promote the agenda that gets the country back on its feet in the shortest possible time."

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