Teppanyaki cooking in a fast-casual format—that’s the concept behind Quickway Japanese Hibachi, a create-your-own-bento chain that’s growing around Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. The brand began in 2011 as Quickfire Japanese Hibachi. The restaurants serve a variety of proteins, cooked on an open grill. The chain, which largely locates units in suburban areas, also sells sushi.
12. Quickway Japanese Hibachi
2016 U.S. Systemwide Sales: $14.8 million (up 72.1%)
2016 Units: 18 (up 50.0%)
Concept: A Japanese chain offering teppanyaki fare served fast in a modern setting
2016 Units: 18 (up 50.0%)
Concept: A Japanese chain offering teppanyaki fare served fast in a modern setting