

Grubhub, Restaurant Strong Fund offer $2M in grants for winterizing

Independents in four cities can apply for the $10,000 grants to help expand outdoor dining.


The top-grossing independent restaurants in New York

These are the top-ranked restaurants in New York by annual food and beverage sales.

RB’s Top 100 Independents are a successful, savvy—and optimistic—bunch. Here’s how they’re handling the year from hell.

These are the top-ranked restaurants in California by annual food and beverage sales.

These are the top-ranked restaurants in Las Vegas by annual food and beverage sales.

These are the top-ranked restaurants in Washington, D.C., by annual food and beverage sales.

These are the top-ranked restaurants in Florida by annual food and beverage sales.

These eight restaurants made their debut on the list of the top-grossing indies in the U.S.

Here’s how some members of this year’s Top 100 Independents pivoted to stay afloat.

These are the top-ranked restaurants in the Chicago area by annual food and beverage sales.

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