
Payroll deduction authorization form

A concise form for employees to deduct money from their payroll.

NRA Announces 2009 Kitchen Innovations

This year’s awardees will give the restaurant and hospitality industry new, state-of-the-art solutions to enhancing productivity, saving energy and water,...

The economic downturn has made it harder for Americans to spend money on dining out—and that’s been particularly true for families.

ATLANTA (December 7, 2010)—Following a significant growth period, Hawkeye Foodservice planned to upgrade its supply chain network in order to increase the...

In the late 1990s a group of Pacific Northwest wheat farmers took stock of a bitter reality. They were shipping product to far off, overseas commodity markets, where they had no control over falling prices.

Facing a shallow labor pool and stepped-up enforcement by the Feds, the restaurant industry is putting pressure on lawmakers to ramp up immigration reform. And change may be closer than you think.

Many industry savants see service as the area where restaurants can distinguish themselves. Then why are so many trying to cut server-customer interaction?

Gov. Jerry Brown has indicated he’ll sign into law a bill that was passed during the holiday weekend. The measure would cover 44 percent of employees in the state, which is the nation’s largest restaurant market.

The stepup for all hourly employees of company-run restaurants will hike each recipient’s wage at least $1 above the minimum mandated by state or federal law.

But the Texas Roadhouse chain will likely be back in court in May to contend stats don't prove it discriminated against over-40 applicants.

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