

Wendy’s is making a big push in India with ghost kitchens

The chain is working with Rebel Foods and Sierra Nevada Restaurants to open 400 locations in the country, including 250 inside digital-only kitchens.


NPC International cancels its bankruptcy auctions

Flynn Restaurant Group has an $816 million agreement to buy the big Pizza Hut and Wendy’s franchisee out of bankruptcy.

Customers who shave their facial hair can get one of 10,000 free McRib sandwiches as the chain partners with No Shave November.

Quick-service chains have recovered thanks to their drive-thrus, but consumers are showing some preferences, says RB’s The Bottom Line.

The company’s sales have thrived during the pandemic as consumers sought out drive-thrus and comfort food.

As the pandemic hit, fast-food chains rethought their designs. Here’s a look at the most popular elements.

The burger giant is promising to donate $100 million to Ronald McDonald House Charities, including an end-of-year social media campaign.

Daryl Parks, who has represented families of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Corey Jones, has joined a pair of lawsuits against the chain.

Editor’s Roundtable: As plant-based meats return to restaurant marketing, RB editors discuss the products’ potential popularity.

The chain hopes happier franchisees will add units for the first time in years now that sales and profits are up.

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