
Consumer Trends

Meal deals may not be obvious, study finds

Widespread discounting has conditioned restaurant customers to hunt for deals, but price isn't always what lands the bargain chasers’ business.

Partly cloudy, with a chance of no-shows

Labor... it's one of the biggest challenges, and costs, we face as operators. Luckily, there are many ways to keep it under control. The best place to start...

For restaurateurs in Minnesota and Maryland, the minimum wage will depend on your sales level.

A combination Mad Cow scares, McDonald's taking a huge share of the domestic beef supply, and increased consumer demand thanks to Dr. Atkins is wreaking havoc with beef prices. Looking for ways to counter the skyrocketing food cost?

Executives crowed about the franchisor’s second-quarter earnings. But a close examination could have you wondering why.

With venison, buffalo, and squab now offered on mainstream menus, fans are getting wild with their dinner orders.

The customer isn't always right. Sometimes the consumer isn’t even sane, as events of the past week attest.

Not so long ago, only a restaurant chain like McDonald's or Applebee's could get a major food manufacturer to produce ingredients just for them.

Street taco spurs growth at the quick-service chain.

That linen service is costing you a lot more these days, isn’t it? You’re not alone: as the price of gas rises, so does the cost of laundry. But some operators are fighting back.

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