
The skinny

Many consumers say they want to eat healthier, but what’s really on their minds?

Restaurant traffic rises for first time in nearly 3 years, research shows

Sales also showed improvement, rising on a same-store, year-over-year basis by an average of 2.8 percent.

There are two main species of coffee: robusta and arabica.

In the burger chain’s first financial report as a public company, investors learned their holding had increased revenues overall by 51.5 percent, to $34.8 million, but lost money.

Michael Klauber on the lessons, the labors and the passions of the restaurant life.

A new report shows the percentage of diners choosing to eat on-premise is holding steady, indicating the uptick in takeout, delivery and catering is incremental.

From a pure public relations standpoint, going green is right up there with being trans-fat free.

A look at the industry's dominant brands reveals some surprising patterns.

Yes, you have to spend it to make it. But why spend more money than you have to? The deals are out there, for everything from wine to cleaning services. You just have to know where to find them, or at least how to ask for them. We sent reporters out looking for all the best ways for restaurant operators to save money. They found some great tips, so take a look and save a few bucks.

Great ideas we've seen from the restaurant industry.

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