Family Dining

Millennials don’t feel the love this Super Bowl for pizza and wings

Classic Super Bowl accompaniments may be losing their cachet among younger female patrons.


A test for no-tip policies

Asked to name the restaurant trend of 2015 by Tasting Table, chefs Nick Balla and Cortney Burns of Bar Tartine in San Francisco predicted a move away from tipping. But instead of pointing out unfairness or discrimination as the catalyst, they cited a different motivation: restaurateurs’ desire to find alternative methods of compensation.

The talk of the WFF this year was dealing with millennial employees, a generation raised on cell phones. But you may want to rethink that method of communicating.

As a consumer, and more specifically as a busy working mom, I don’t dislike the idea of being able to order food ahead, run in, grab it and be on my way.

Over four days and almost three dozen general and breakout sessions, attendees of the Restaurant Leadership Conference were treated to experiences and insights that extended far beyond business.

Consumers want restaurants to dig deeper on health, “natural” and local sourcing. Here’s how the industry is responding.

Is it legal to charge restaurant staff for their mistakes? Is it the same in every state? Advice guy fills us in on when and where charges stack up.

The venture will feature Southern foods and specialize in biscuits.

Some outposts of the chain have teamed up with a nonprofit to offer kits that help kids with autism and other sensory sensitivities enjoy dining out.

Commissary kitchens are a useful tool for operators, especially for those with multiple concepts. Advice Guy explains why using a central commissary rather than opening several is beneficial for many operators.

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