Consumer Trends

Come for brunch!

It seems breakfast can be the most important meal of the day—especially for restaurants. A recent Technomic MarketBriefing revealed that nearly 9 out of 10 consumers surveyed eat brunch at a restaurant at least occasionally. What’s more, Mintel predicts breakfast sales will increase 22.1 percent between now and 2017. 

But consumers aren’t just looking for brunch on Sundays and breakfast on the weekend according to the Technomic report. Many Americans eat restaurant meals they define as brunch on Saturdays or even weekdays, with Asians and African Americans enjoying Saturday brunch and Hispanics more likely to go to a restaurant for brunch on a weekday. And while the report identifies that consumers are nearly split down the middle regarding their preference for buffets or ordering off the menu—57% versus 43% respectively—overall, they prefer to see a mix of familiar and unfamiliar foods on the brunch menu,  regardless of the format. 

So how can you capitalize on this growing interest if you haven’t already? Here are a few tips from Technomic:

  • Restaurants that already offer brunch could build business with simple changes such as expanded days or hours. As fewer consumers live 9-to-5 lifestyles, there is a growing interest in brunch fare on Saturdays, weekdays and in the afternoon or evening.
  • Consumers’ definitions of appropriate foods for breakfast or brunch are broadening. Adding regional American or ethnic items might help build excitement and incremental sales.
  • Consider adding a wider variety of fresh fruits, juices or smoothies to boost consumer perceptions of freshness—and sales.

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