Restaurant Business Daily

A true business intelligence tool helping operators become more efficient and profitable, Restaurant Business Daily eNewsletter gives restaurateurs tips and tools from's most recent postings and from around the web.

This week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Never a doh! moment

Operators brainstormed ways to address hyperlocal demand, block an end run on raising labor costs, and foster more licensing business.


6 ways restaurants could benefit from Trump’s tax plan

Although economists are still assessing the implications of the proposal, certain provisions are clear wins for restaurants.

Drive-thru customers always have been important to Biscuitville’s business, accounting for 60 percent of traffic.

All of a sudden, chains are racing to assure off-premise customers of precisely how long they'll have to wait for an order.

A business group opposed to the city-approved wage increase gathered sufficient signatures to trigger a referendum.

Off-premise orders of certain foods spike dramatically during cram time. These items saw the highest upswing in popularity.

Along with earning rewards, users can put their names on the waitlist at their local Red Lobster location.

McDonald’s has introduced a new Horchata Frappe drink as part of its late-afternoon McCafe menu at participating stores in Southern California.

Mayor Bill De Blasio says the chain should be shunned because of the comments its CEO made on same-sex marriage four years ago.

The latest innovation in restaurant convenience plays well with a generation that likes a cold one with a hot delivered meal.

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