Pop quiz: Know what you should about Obamacare?

In a matter of months, restaurateurs will need to notify employees of their new health insurance options under the Affordable Health Care act, officers of the National Restaurant Association alerted attendees of last week’s Restaurant Leadership Conference. In a short, focused presentation, CEO Dawn Sweeney and chairman Phil Hickey stressed that operators need to learn their obligations and options now to contend with one of the greatest challenges ever faced by the industry.

They urged RLC attendees to test their preparedness by defining 10 key terms of the measure, presented here as a self-administered quiz. Don’t despair if you don’t know them yet, Sweeney said; “you’re not alone.”

The definitions of the terms, taken from a new NRA pamphlet, “The Health Care Law: What You Need to Know Now,” are presented here.

Define these key terms of the law widely known as Obamacare:

  1. Minimum essential coverage
  2. Applicable large employer
  3. Full time employee
  4. Look back period
  5. Minimum value
  6. Affordable coverage
  7. Safe harbor
  8. Individual mandate
  9. Auto enrollment
  10. Employee notification mandate

The definitions can be found here, or at the NRA’s website, Restaurant.org/Healthcare.

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