Cheesecake Factory


The Cheesecake Factory sees no change from consumers

Traffic has remained steady for the casual-dining chain, despite a tough environment for full-service restaurants.


Here's why restaurant chains are selling one another's products

Restaurant Rewind: The lines between segments aren't the only traditional boundaries that are being smudged in today's competitive environment. Contrary to the old rules, concepts are tapping the drawing power of competitors for share of stomach.

Traffic at the casual-dining chain held steady thanks to what it called a “flight to quality” by customers on a budget.

The chain delivered another quarter of steady growth and few surprises. "Operators were in full control," said CFO Matthew Clark.

The chain said business is returning to its pre-pandemic rhythms: "It feels like a relatively normal year."

The 37-acre site in southern Indiana will help support the brand’s key dessert business as it opens more restaurants.

Malls with a Cheesecake Factory are more likely to be current on their loans, according to a Moody’s analysis. But the chain may not be retail's white knight.

Prices were up 10.5% in the second quarter, with additional hikes to come. The chain believes its customers can handle it.

Cheesecake Rewards members will get access to reservations and free birthday cheesecake. The program is expected to go nationwide in June.

The company will open up to 16 North Italias, Flower Childs and other brands from its Fox Restaurant Concepts division.

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