

McDonald’s faces more sexual harassment charges

Workers, backed by the ACLU and union groups, filed more complaints and said steps by the company to prevent harassment are not enough.


Union scores another victory inside Burgerville

For the second time in a week, employees of a unit have voted to become part of an Industrial Workers of the World affiliate.

A fifth unit of Burgerville is currently voting on whether it, too, will be represented by an affiliate of the Industrial Workers of the World.

The group that organized three units of Burgerville last year are going after a second chain, setting a possible model for organizing the sector.

A bill introduced Wednesday with widespread support would also set

Employees of a third Burgerville unit will now be represented by the Industrial Workers of the World.

The union-backed group is inviting workers across a number of industries to bolster the pressure by joining what it's calling a three-day "coast-to-coast uprising."

The Fight for $15 group gathered in 10 cities, and is now offering free legal counsel to workers willing to report sexual harassment on the job.

The revision would greatly narrow the instances where restaurant employers could be held responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees.

This week’s head-spinning moments include customers’ decision to secretly redecorate a McDonald’s and the capture of possibly the restaurant industry’s most notorious dine-and-dash artist. And it wouldn’t be a news roundup without a story involving Donald Trump.

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