Morgan Promoted at KeyImpact Brokerage Firm

With 23 years of foodservice experience and 15 years of brokerage-specific expertise, Morgan previously served as Indiana market manager in his two years with KeyImpact. Prior to that, he was the vice president of sales for Food Marketing Concepts for 13 years. In his new role overseeing KeyImpact’s national efforts, Morgan will be applying the principals of sales management by objective and tracking sales activities with systems.
Odorisio began his career in foodservice sales in 1970. About 12 years later he opened Boerner Foodservice, a division in Philadelphia which merged with Cassidy/Myers in 1985 to create Key Food Brokerage Co. This combined organization later merged with Impact Sales in 2000 to create KeyImpact Sales & Systems.
Morgan said in a prepared statement: "It has been an honor working with Tony, especially the past year on objective planning for KeyImpact, and I wish him the best in retirement. Moving forward utilizing these proven planning principals to enhance sales call effectiveness will be critical to KeyImpact’s future success."

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