New England Wholesale Food Distributor Now Carries Nautifish Salmon

BOSTON (September 13, 2010)—New England Wholesale food distributor AGAR, product specialist for independent restaurants, retailers and other food service providers has announced that it is ready for the tail end of the warm New England weather and any season by offering Salmon under its Nautifish seafood brand.

The Nautifish brand is now offering farm-raised Atlantic salmon fillet from Maine and a high-quality Norwegian salmon fillet under the brand name. The salmon as well as other seafood products under the Nautifish name can be purchased exclusively by AGAR by contacting them at 1-800-669-6040.

As with any seafood products under the Nautifish name, the salmon goes through extensive testing and quality control procedures to earn the Nautifish name. Only then does a product such as the salmon carry the name.

Salmon has many uses and great recipes including smoked, grilled and poached and other well-known ways of cooking the popular fish. Restaurants and retailers who purchase the Nautifish line of salmon or others products can visit AGAR’s Test Kitchen to learn more ways to prepare the popular seafood and learn more about this profitable seafood item and come away with new recipes that will please their customers.

“Many of our foodservice and retail operators are using Nautifish Salmon because they can be assured of a high-quality product,” says Karen S. Bressler, president and CEO of AGAR. “The salmon is farm-raised and not subject to the same fluctuations of pricing that wild products can have. This helps the independent operator with their bottom line.”

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