Peter Romeo

Editor at Large

Articles by
Peter Romeo

Page 312

Next Starbucks drink to knock off: the Latte Macchiato

The coffee chain is touting the high art of its follow-up to the Flat White.

Pizza Hut cuts price of a pizza to $5

The discounted pie is part of a new menu packed with value enticements.

With the shift to healthier and bolder-tasting items, coleslaw no longer fit, the chain says. But customers aren’t as enthusiastic.

The ground might not have quaked, but the industry changed significantly in 2015. Thank (or blame) technology, unions and regulators.

Every year, the dictionary has to update its list of entries. As an industry, we too have to revamp our vernacular to include terms and phrases flying out of the mouths of restaurateurs—and customers. Here’s a list of the buzzy phrases that caught fire among industry folks this year.

No one would blame the headquarters staff of Subway for ringing out 2015 with a little extra vigor. It was a catastrophic year for the brand, with high profile setbacks and heart-breaking losses. Here’s a recap.

Here’s a review of the executive changes in 2015 that hold the most profound implications for the business in the years beyond.

New regulations aiming to halt gender bias also call for sweeping changes in bathroom policies, grooming requirements and how employees are addressed.

They made the boldest headlines in what was indisputably an up-and-down year. The ups were rocket shots to nosebleed heights, and the downs were just as extreme—catastrophic, yet wellsprings of outrage and surprise. Here are six individuals who contributed to the rollercoaster ride.

The increase would only apply to the employees of quick-service chain restaurants.

But stores will be “opportunistically divested.”

It’s fitting that Head Spinners ends the year with arresting indications of the restaurant industry’s good cheer this holiday season, though there is that nasty business about polar bear throats being slit. We’ll get to that, but, first, let’s look at why you may burst into a rousing chorus of “Jingle Bells” at any moment.

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