Taco Bell


Loving underutilized cuts of red meat

To feed Americans’ never-ending appetite for beef, the cattle industry is making new and underutilized cuts more available to restaurateurs.


A tutorial: What Google+ can do for restaurants

Google launched its Google+ social network platform last June and Google+ Pages in November, finally allowing restaurants and other businesses to claim their real estate and check out the view.

Here are 10 reasons why you’d know a whole lot more about the restaurant business if you’d attended this week’s big tech show.

The 2,800-word letter urges fellow investors to reinstill the spirit of Darden founder Bill Darden and longtime leader Joe Lee by voting for the activisit shareholder’s board slate.

A franchisee’s crewmember earned a diploma, and now intends to pursue higher education. About 200 employees are scheduled to receive tuition assistance.

Facing pressure from Chicago officials, the restaurant’s owner has agreed to hire security guards to stymie unruly behavior and enforce the stop of liquor sales after midnight.

The discounted pie is part of a new menu packed with value enticements.

The chain said it intends to customize the look of new or renovated stores to their locations, with special emphasis given to penetrating urban areas.

Elie Khoury knows what his company brings to the negotiating table. CEO Khoury himself is a former chain executive with a history of growing brands.

Even the great Carnac couldn't have foreseen the role marijuana is about to play in restaurant sales, and that's just one of the who'd-have-believed-it developments.

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