Star search

In an ideal world, we would never have to go through the process of hiring a manager. Our star team members would be promoted from within, eventually become a partner, and then buy us out when we're ready to retire in style at the ripe old age of 55. Seems more like an episode of Fantasy Island, doesn't it? In the real world, you can find and compete for top quality candidates with a polished and professional Management Recruiting Package.

Think of the package as a marketing piece. Your goal is to sell yourself and your business to prospective managers. You want to convey that you're offering both a career and a work environment that's conducive to personal and professional growth, and a good quality of life. When creating this package include the following elements to help you recruit and hire the best management candidate:

Define the management position
Give the candidates a clear picture of the job for which they are applying. Detail the specifics of your management position, including desired characteristics and attributes , so you can look for candidates whose attributes fit the specific skill and personality requirements of the job. There are four components to a management position: Management Job Description • Job Profile • Characteristics and Attitudes List • Day in the Life Profile.

Create your compensation package
Established the range of salary and benefits for the management position before advertising the job opening. Most applicants will want this information early in the hiring/interview process. Complete a compensation worksheet and include salary range, benefit package, bonus plan, and professional development allowances. Whenever possible, estimate the annual value for each benefit, plus an upper and lower range for bonuses. Add these amounts to the annual salary for an estimate of the total compensation "package."

The image piece
Every restaurant should develop an image piece. In addition to marketing and public relations uses, it's an excellent way to introduce a management applicant to your company and your unique culture. Your goal is to provide a candidate with good reason to work with you. Your image piece should include: your company history, mission statement, menu, job description, desired characteristics & attitudes, compensation package description, and sample marketing pieces.

Ready to get started? Check out our complete Management Recruitment and Hiring Protocols & Forms.

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