
Best practices for improving recruitment, retention and training


3 trendlettes we’re watching

The beginning of the year brings an outpouring of predictions from industry watchers (including us; we did a whole series, including this one). Here are three that made few if any of those lists, yet are already looking like possible trends for 2015.


The modern restaurant uniform

The standard restaurant uniform has undergone a makeover as more concepts bake fashion into their brand identities, allowing workers’ individuality to show.

Two years after San Francisco became the first of a growing list of jurisdictions to limit restaurant scheduling, the industry is contending with some unexpected side effects.

The Goodness Fund financially supports employees who experience unforeseen emergencies.

Here’s how the 16-concept restaurant group retains top talent.

The go-ahead, applicable only to operations that don’t take a tip credit, was issued with little notice this week.

Getting millennial recruits up to snuff means re-evaluating longstanding procedures, such as handbooks and classroom learning, in order to jive with the tendencies and preferences of this always-questioning, tech-dependent demographic.

Restaurants are stealing a page out of Silicon Valley’s book filled with unheard-of benefits and annotating it to fit the industry framework.

They’re dynamic and elusive, they’re transforming the workplace, and they might be harder to get than ever. Here, four key employee types—and how to win them over.

Sometimes, employees have contracts that require it, but most do not, Advice Guy says.

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