customer service

A warehouse management system is not what you think it is

ERP vs. WMSAn Enterprise Resources Planning system plans and manages the logical business activities of a distributor (e.g., working up a quote, sales order...

Consumer Trends

Price or service—what matters most?

During the lean times of the past couple of years, restaurant patrons have placed a high priority on “value.” However, a recent poll published in American Express MarketBriefing revealed that more customers are responding that “good service” and a “pleasant restaurant environment” are more valuable then “lots of food for a low price”—at least in full-service concepts.

It’s an exciting time in hospitality technology. We’re right on the cusp of some really great game-changers, offering ways to improve the guest experience that we never before imagined. Which ones seem to have more legs than others?

We’ve killed the Monkey. From now on, our site will be known as, playing off its 111-year-old print sister. Call us crazy, but we think that name makes more sense.

Everyone's a critic; know how to respond to a review, good or bad.

Most of us don’t need to lick an electrical outlet to realize it’s dumb. But that class of assumptive learning often escapes people who work and eat in restaurants.

Any good fisherman will tell you to "fish when the fish are bitin'." Sounds like common sense, so why do we often ignore the obvious when it comes to our own business?

I was browsing through the help wanted section of my local paper this morning.

Pointing out that internal sales and earning growth were driven by company's operational excellence and "outstanding" customer service, Bob Sledd, Chairman...

Some seniors may want the menu and decor to stay the same year after year. But plenty of others would just as soon shake up their dining habits.

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