

A&W goes back to its roots

Chain taking its homemade root beer to the Midwestern small towns where it all started.

Which restaurant franchises are the best bets?

A new ranking finds plenty of familiar names toward the top of the list.

Acquisitions have made KBP Foods one of the largest and fastest-growing franchises in the restaurant business. But the key to absorbing the expansion has been a notion that harkens back to the earliest days of KFC.

Elie Khoury knows what his company brings to the negotiating table. CEO Khoury himself is a former chain executive with a history of growing brands.

Instead of heeding what normally are yellow lights, restaurants stomped on the gas and crashed through barriers this week.

After a tough few years, the sandwich giant is taking a deep look at its locations and ownership.

One of the wings chain's largest franchisees says the repair work is already starting, and it's delighted with what's happening.

Business as usual is out the door. These factors are causing operators to reshape the traditional model.

The initiative teaches franchisees how to use their POS and back-office systems as more effective cost-cutting tools.

A game-changing decision is just one of the challenges poking at the franchisee-franchisor relationship.

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